CQC Information

Information about the practice being a registered provider by the Care Quality Commission


Under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 every registered provider must have a Statement of Purpose that includes the required set of information about our service. The Statement describes:

  • The Provider’s aims and objectives in providing the service
  • The kinds of service provided
  • The health or care needs the service sets out to meet
  • The locations where the services are actually provided or provided from
  • Details from the provider including their legal status, and any manager, including the ‘address for service’ for all registered persons

Information from the Care Quality Commission

Our practice is inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to ensure we are meeting essential standards of quality and safety.

This widget provides a summary of the results of the latest checks carried out by the CQC.

CQC logo

Leigh View Medical Practice

CQC overall rating
